Bipolar Disorder is a very difficult condition to live with, and can cause significant impairment in day-to-day life.

However, when managed well, Bipolar Disorder’s symptoms can be lessened, aiding quality of life. In this article, we look at 10 tips for living with Bipolar Disorder.

When managed well, Bipolar Disorder can have minimal impairment in life

1. Learn your triggers and early warning signs

Some people know they have early warning signs that an episode is imminent. For example, some people may start to feel low the night before a fully-fledged depressive episode happens.

Similarly, there could be triggers for episodes. Learning what these are – which often happens through experience, can be very helpful.

2. Keep an eye out for further symptoms

Unfortunately, Bipolar Disorder may initially be misdiagnosed. For example, sometimes people will be in a Depressive state, but without them being aware, will have exhibited some hypomanic behaviour. Keep a look out for your symptoms.

Moreover, remember that Bipolar Disorder commonly exists alongside other conditions. Therefore, if you are experiencing other psychiatric symptoms – such as anxiety, flashbacks, or compulsions, make sure you speak to your doctor about these.

3. Remember to take your medicine!

Medication is a key part of the treatment of Bipolar Disorder. You will normally be prescribed either a Mood Stabiliser or an antipsychotic.

It is important to take these medicines as directed. You could set a reminder on your phone to ensure you don’t miss a dose.

4. Try peer support

Some people find that trying peer support networks can be very helpful. Knowing that others are going through similar things to you can be very comforting.

There are a few different support networks around the United Kingdom. One of the best-known is Bipolar UK‘s eCommunity.

5. Consider talking therapy

While the cause of Bipolar Disorder isn’t known, it has been linked to traumatic events in the past. If there is a past event that is affecting you, then talking therapy could be worth looking at.

Talking therapy offers you the chance to delve deeper into your past, and can help teach you positive coping mechanisms. You can read more about therapy at our dedicated therapy section.

6. See friends and family

Staying in contact with others is important. If you isolate yourself too much, then loneliness can end up developing, which could worsen your condition.

Try to keep in touch with friends, and try to see family members on a regular basis. Seeing other people can be a great help.

7. Carry on with hobbies

When you are going through a difficult time, it can be easy to stop doing hobbies and isolate yourself. However, try not to do this!

Carrying on with your hobbies is therefore a great way of ensuring that you are able to have some time for yourself, and to enjoy yourself.

8. Learn more about Bipolar Disorder

A great way of aiding treatment is learning about your condition. It can be very interesting to learn more about the condition facing you.

For example, here at Mental Health General, we have a huge amount of information on Bipolar Disorder! You can see our dedicated Bipolar Disorder section here.

9. Exercise and diet

Like with any other mental health condition, exercising regularly and eating healthily has the potential to help your wellbeing.

These are great things to do when you’re feeling low. Exercise releases endorphins, which offers a rapid way of improving your mood!

10. Don’t give up and keep fighting

It can be easy to think when you are in the depths of despair that things will never get better. But they can, and hopefully they will!

With this in mind, don’t give up! You can get through your difficulties, make sure you keep fighting. Better days are coming.

See Also

  1. Bipolar Disorder: Everything You Need To Know
  2. What Are The Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?
  3. What Are The Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
  4. What Are The Causes of Bipolar Disorder?
  5. How is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?
  6. How Can Bipolar Disorder be Treated?
  7. What is the Prognosis for Bipolar Disorder?
  8. 10 Tips for Living With Bipolar Disorder

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If you are struggling with your mental health, help is available. With the right support and treatment, you can make a recovery. For information on helplines, or if you are in a state of crisis, please visit our crisis page by clicking on the relevant link for your geographical location (United Kingdom), (United States), (International). You can also see how to get mental health treatment and the process involved by clicking this link.
