
Is Everything I Say in Therapy Confidential?

Therapy is something that has the potential to be hugely helpful for most people. It completely solves problems for some, and for the vast...

How to Access Talking Therapy For Mental Health

Therapy is a key treatment in mental health - and helps a lot of people process their symptoms or problems in a healthy way....

What Happens When You Self-Refer for Therapy?

Accessing Talking Therapy is important for when a patient is struggling with their mental health. Talking therapy is normally one of the main ways...

What Will Happen at the First Therapy Appointment?

Beginning talking therapy can seem daunting and overwhelming for some. It is understandable to not know what to expect, and have general feelings of...

Everything You Need To Know About Talking Therapy

Talking Therapy is one of the main treatments for mental health conditions. Therapy gives a person a chance to discuss their problems, analyse their...

NHS or Private Therapy for Mental Health: Which is Better?

Accessing talking therapy is a crucial element in treating mental health problems. Therapy is known to help the majority of mental health conditions, and...

Talking Therapy or Medication: Which is Better for Mental Health Problems?

Mental health problems plague the lives of many, many people. In the search for improved mental wellbeing, the most common treatment types are talking...

FAQ’s About Talking Therapy

It is common to have a range of questions about talking therapy. These questions may concern the content involved, the therapist, their style, what...

10 Ways That Talking Therapy Can Help

Talking Therapy is one of the main treatments for mental health conditions. Therapy can help treat multiple mental health conditions, and is often the...

Why is Electroconvulsive Therapy so Controversial?

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) - also known as shock treatment - is arguably one of the most polarising issues in mental health. From suggestions that...