Depression is a very difficult illness to live with. One positive is that there are a range of treatment options for patients suffering from the condition.

There are certain things that a patient can do which should give them the maximum chance of benefiting from treatment. In this article, we take a look at 10 tips for living with the condition.

Better times are possible!

1. Be active in treatment

Taking charge and being active in your treatment is a great idea. It is difficult when you are suffering from depression to take an active role with anything.

But taking control of your treatment – whether this is through therapy or medicine – is a great way to start!

2. Enter treatment with an open mind

It is easy to think that you won’t ever feel better again, and that there is no way of getting past depression. However, try and enter treatment with an open mind.

The evidence suggests people can recover from depression. Going in with a positive, can-do attitude can help immeasurably.

3. Be patient

Recovery takes time. Whether it is therapy or medicine you are using, it won’t be an overnight fix. Medicine especially can take a few weeks to take effect.

In any case, being patient is important, and not expecting instant results is crucial. Eventually you’ll find something that works!

4. Follow medication instructions

If you are taking medication for your condition, following the instructions laid out on the patient information leaflet is important.

It can be easy to forget a dose here and there, and think that it won’t have a profound impact overall. While it may not, you should maximise the chances of the treatment working by getting into good habits for taking medication. .

5. Engage with your therapist

If you do take part in talking therapy, engaging with your therapist is very important. This will help you to forge a strong bond.

Omitting crucial facts or experiences, ignoring what the therapist says, or anything else disruptive isn’t helpful. But by engaging fully, this will maximise the chances of therapy working.

6. Exercise regularly

Getting exercise is a great idea and has been proven to improve Depression. Many people find exercise clears their head and improves their mental health.

You could try to get into a routine for this, such as going for a run twice a week, or going to the gym once a week.

7. Eat healthily

When you’re going through a difficult time, it can be easy to comfort eat. Many people feel they can “eat their pain away”.

But this doesn’t help in the long term. Wherever possible, try to eat healthily – such as eating fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid alcohol if possible!

8. Keep doing hobbies

Carrying on with your hobbies is very important. These will normally be a source of enjoyment, and when you’re going through a difficult time – enjoyment is vital.

If you haven’t got any hobbies, then try to find some! It can definitely help you in the long-term.

9. See people

It can be difficult to muster up the strength and willpower to see others when you are in a state of despair. However, try and see other people – they might just lift your mood.

Whether it is catching up with old friends, seeing family or just going out for a walk, seeing others is a good way of helping.

10. Don’t give up!

It is always tempting to just give up. But even when it seems things just won’t improve, remember that it can, and hopefully will, get better.

Hopelessness is a horrible feeling – but with time, patience and belief, anything is possible.

See Also


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If you are struggling with your mental health, help is available. With the right support and treatment, you can make a recovery. For information on helplines, or if you are in a state of crisis, please visit our crisis page by clicking on the relevant link for your geographical location (United Kingdom), (United States), (International). You can also see how to get mental health treatment and the process involved by clicking this link.
