Talking Therapy is one of the main treatments for mental health conditions. Many people find that therapy works well for them, and in some cases – it may even lead to total remission of symptoms.

But naturally, therapy won’t work for everyone. While there are a range of types of therapy, actually finding one that works can be difficult. It is normal to have some questions over therapy, and whether or not it could work for you.

Therapy can work for many people

What do you want help with?

It is important for a person to go into therapy with a clear goal of what they want. If they enter therapy aimlessly, they probably won’t get much out of therapy. But if the person knows what they want, then therapy can be very helpful.

Most people will seek help if they are struggling with a certain mental health condition, or their general wellbeing. If a person is finding that their mental health is causing problems for them in life, then therapy could well be helpful.

Therapy can be particularly useful for those suffering from mental health conditions. These may include Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or an eating disorder among other conditions.

What types of therapy are there?

Something that puts some people off is the belief that there isn’t a style of therapy that works for them. However, there is a colossal choice – with many different talking therapy formats available.

If you are using the NHS, then you will only have a limited choice of therapies. This would typically include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Interpersonal Therapy (IPT). For those going private, they will have an enormous choice.

If you think that you would be receptive to therapy, and that you’d be happy to engage in a certain therapy format, then this can certainly help in terms of getting used to therapy.

The patient-therapist relationship

One of the most crucial things in therapy is the relationship between the patient and therapist. If you are aiming to go into therapy, you will need to enter with an open mind, and a belief that you will get on well with your therapist.

Research shows that a strong patient-therapist relationship greatly increases the chances of therapy being a success [1]. It is important that if you struggle to connect or open up to your therapist, that you raise concerns.

Patience and a positive attitude

It is important to remember that therapy isn’t going to be a quick fix. The problems addressed in therapy are going to need time to solve. Sometimes, therapy will aim to disrupt long-held negative thoughts.

Therefore, having patience is a very important skill for therapy. If you enter therapy knowing that a long road is ahead, you are much likelier to benefit more. After all, many therapy types are designed to last several months.

Finally, you should also go on with a positive attitude. This can help a person enormously, as if they enter believing that change is possible, then this will help them over time.


Talking therapy does have the potential to be an excellent treatment for an array of mental health conditions. However, as this article shows, there are areas that a person should consider before engaging in therapy.

If a person is able to find a therapy that suits their lifestyle, time commitments and symptoms, then therapy can be an excellent thing to do, whether this be through the NHS or private.

Many people find that therapy alone helps them enormously. Meanwhile, some will opt for medication as well. Above all, it is important for a person to find a treatment plan that suits them, and improves their wellbeing.



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If you are struggling with your mental health, help is available. With the right support and treatment, you can make a recovery. For information on helplines, or if you are in a state of crisis, please visit our crisis page by clicking on the relevant link for your geographical location (United Kingdom), (United States), (International). You can also see how to get mental health treatment and the process involved by clicking this link.


[1] Hoglend, P. (2014). Exploration of the Patient-Therapist Relationship in Psychotherapy. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 171 (10): p1056-1066.